KUNO, the Platform for Humanitarian Knowledge Exchange in The Netherlands, and A4EP, the Alliance for Empowering Partnership, organize during the Impact-Fest an NGO-donor dialogue on systemic innovations of the humanitarian sector for better responses.

The current COVID crisis shows (again) the relevance of local organizations in humanitarian responses. And that an open xploration of true local leadership in humanitarian responses is both relevant and urgent.

After a disaster, local humanitarian actors are always first responders and they are well informed of the context, the needs and appropriate response. However, often local actors are (or at least feel) overruled and sidelined by international actors whenever a disaster response is scaled up.

In 2016 ‘The Grand Bargain’ promised to strengthen the role and position of local actors in humanitarian response. In 2020, when discussions over a new Grand Bargain have been started, local NGOs still feel their position in humanitarian responses has not changed substantially. Representatives of local NGOs are expressly invited to participate in this exchange of good practices, bottlenecks and innovations needed. [Download Brochure]

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