The vision of Alliance for Empowering Partnership is a world where sustainable, independent and accountable local organisations promote a society based on democratic principles, equality and social justice, and particularly in aid-recipient countries, are leading voices and play a leading role in relief and humanitarian assistance.

Our mission is to create an active and effective network of independent and locally grown organisations and global activists. We provide a platform for promoting South – South cooperation through information dissemination, sharing experiences, evidence, good practice and learning. We share information about our initiatives and advocacy strategies in our own countries, where possible, contribute to on-going research and debates, and develop consulted and commonly agreed positions and advocacy strategies around the global agenda of ‘localisation’ ‘participation revolution’ and ‘transparency’. We believe in triangular cooperation which emphasises that while Southern actors continue leading response and coordination and decision-making platforms, International actors continue to provide efficient complementary support. Principles of equity, justice and agency are at the heart of our discussions.

This dialogues series is brought to you by members of Alliance for Empowering Partnership supported by Community World Services Asia and, KUNO (Platform for Humanitarian Knowledge Exchange) and in collaboration with other international and
local platforms to contribute to the body of alternative knowledge. [Download]

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