We are pleased to share with you the final outcome document of the caucus on the role of intermediaries, which includes commitments for the organisations with an intermediary role, local/national actors, and funding partners/donors. The document was endorsed at the closing of the caucus on 17 July 2022 by A4EP, EU/DG ECHO, Germany, IFRC, NEAR, SCHR/World Vision, Switzerland, UNHCR, and UNICEF.
The Intermediary Caucus was set up to face ongoing challenges within the relationships of donors, intermediaries, and local/national organisations. Recognising the need to build and foster robust relationships, the members of the Caucus have prioritised actions which strengthen principles of equitable partnerships and better support locally-led humanitarian action. Other critical issues such as specific funding targets and a comprehensive, standardised and partnership-based approach to risk-sharing will be addressed in other Caucuses or processes of the Grand Bargain, including the Caucus on Funding for Localisation, the Caucus on Quality Funding and the Risk-Sharing Platform initiative. The proactive involvement and participation of affected communities in planning and decision-making processes is further recognised as a shared responsibility between all constituencies of the Grand Bargain.
This document is an important stepping stone to be taken forward by the new caucus and the localisation workstream, and built upon by the practice of our organisations in delivering humanitarian response.

Localization at the Core: A Call for Transformation in GHO 2024
Message from Local and National Actors (LNHOs) to International Actors, Donors, UN Agencies, and INGOs As the GHO 2024