The World Humanitarian Summit and the Agenda for Humanity and the launch of the Grand Bargain in 2016 was a way to reform the humanitarian system to make it more fit for the future. The ‘Grand Bargain’ is an agreement between the biggest donors and aid organisations that aims to get more means into the hands of people in need. It is essentially a ‘Grand Bargain on efficiency’ between donors and humanitarian organisations to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of humanitarian action. This inspired and brought great hope to local and national CSOs who were involved in the consultations leading up to the World Humanitarian summit. They were hoping for its implementation at country level. During the last few years, the Grand Bargain and Charter4Change annual reports have emphasized the gap in the implementation and the slow progress of GB commitments at country level, leading to strong advocacy by local and national NGOs, Charter4Change and the Grand Bargain localisation work stream to implement localisation commitments at country level. [Download Report]
Virtual Discussion on World Humanitarian Day 2024 : Humanitarian actors call safety, security for all and sustainable Rohingya Response
Dhaka, 19 August 2024: Speakers highlighted the need to ensure the safety and security of aid workers and vulnerable communities